Wednesday, February 3, 2016


By @PstIyke

This is almost single-handedly responsible for the high rate of
#Lukewarmness and
of a life meant to be glorious.

How did we condescend this low to celebrating the mundane over that which is glorious indeed.

Who really did this to us?
Why are we surprised at the high rate of perversions?
Perversion is now a norm and the norm is speedily becoming abnormal!

What really do we expect that will happen when unlike PAUL the apostle, we no longer preach Christ and Him crucified?
I don't see any hope until we change our engagement.

Is it not disturbing, disgusting and horribly disheartening that Grace is now preached especially in the context of #Fame,

The above are fine, only that they exclude the
#Disposition and
#Attitude of Grace.

Enough of preaching what is in the hand of Christ!
What is in His heart must be preached if sanity and beauty must return.

The attitude of
"it doesn't matter how I am, just bless me,"
must be over and done with.
It matters
#WHO_we_are and

#Mundane_Engagement is an obsession for what He can give against who He is!
While solid and proper engagement is an obsession for who He is.

I want to know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou have sent.
Moses passionately solicited and said SHOW ME YOUR GLORY! (John3:17;Philippines 3:10;Exodus33:18)

Shift your focus!,
forget the mundane!
The blessing is not in
#Influence or
The blessing is HIM & in HIM.
(#Jesus #Christ)

The cry this year shouldn't really be God give me "THIS" & "THAT".
Your heart cry this year should be

May God help us to avoid #Mundane_Engagement in Jesus Name! Amen!

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