Tuesday, March 11, 2014

SUPPORT THEORY (True Friendship)

Good Tuesday Morning to you and yours in Jesus Name.

Yesterday we commenced another teaching series that we called SUPPORT THEORY. The concept of support theory is to promote true friendship. The bond of true friendship sometimes can be stronger than the bond  of genetic connection. Consequently, a friend sticks closer than a brother.

There two things I've seen that reveals lack of true friendship:
1. Envy/Jealousy
2. Abandonment

The first one is an attitude or behaviour influenced by the reality of a good news, while the second is influenced by the reality of a bad news. I've never seen where envy is provoked by a bad news, but I have seen friends abandon each other because of an ill news.

That something nice happened to your friend should provoke you into rejoicing, excitement and gratitude; if your feeling is otherwise you are not a true friend. Getting angry because your friend got promoted is a sign of wickedness. Refusing to pick her call because she's about to marry is a sign immaturity. If you are asked to rejoice with them that  rejoice, how much more should you do so with your friends?

Will continue on this line of thought tomorrow, but if you want to be a true friend, do not envy and be jealous when your friends receives a good thing. On the other hand, do not abandon your friend when he or she needs you the most.

Get ready, Today:
- The people that abandoned you will remember you for good!
- Whosoever is holding your blessing will release it today!
- The things that will make people abandon you will Never happen to you!
- God will impress in your heart to remember and be kind to those you've abandoned.

Be blessed and highly favoured as you share with your friends and connect with me on twitter @PstIyke


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