Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Blessed Wednesday morning to you. Today promises to bring you great joy and that will be your portion!

Goal setting has been our focus and my desire is not even as much as showing you how to set all manner of goals, company goal, individual goal, family goal, national goal etc. Talking about national goal, lack of it has become the undoing of most African nations. Most countries in Africa don't have goals, a national dream. If goal is not set, your actualization cannot be possible.

But note this, no goal succeeds alone or on its own. Habbakuk was told to 1st catch the vision by positioning himself, 2ndly write it down and 3rdly make it understandable (plain) and 4thly there are those who read to run with it. A wise man once said, don't ask of what your nation will do for you, ask of what you will do for your nation. You don't deserve the right for your goal to succeed if you've not helped someone else's goal become a success. Joseph had to help Portipher, the prisoners even before his own goal was actualized.

We live in the kind of world where people are extremely unfriendly and their un-friendliness expresses in them not helping you succeed in your vocation. If there is anything, they will steal that dream and claim ownership of it. Have you noticed that apprenticeship has completely disappeared. Our cars suffer because of half baked mechanics who would never stay to learn the work and help their bosses succeed.

Let me end it with what Zig Ziglar said. "You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want in life." If you want to succeed, look for who you will contribute to his success. In your place of work, look for how to help your boss, hod, supervisor etc. In your church help your pastor, in your school help your teachers, in your home help your wife, husband and children. The world becomes a beautiful place if we all learn how to help one another.

If it made sense. Kindly share.

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