Monday, January 13, 2014


Good morning. It's your week of laughter and God is going to make you laugh!

We introduced GOAL SETTING on Friday as another secret of progressive people. Remember Life Is Progressive; that 2014 is already 3 weeks old, is a good example of that. The question is, how old are you in the year that is 3weeks old? Some people suffer from stunted growth. Them that came into 1st of January are still the same them even in this 13th of January. That ought not to be! Life can't be moving and you are stagnant. Learn how to progress so that you don't allow time pass you by without being able to account for it.

Set Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented/Accurate, Relevant and Time-bond targets. You must know what you want to achieve before the end of every Day, Week, Month and Year. You cannot afford another 24hours without doing something that will progressively take you to your goal. If you wasted your time last year, 2014 is not the year for that! Most people that say they don't have time actually make out time for mundane things.

For instance, What is the content of your 30mins discussion over the phone when you've not even read a chapter for just 10mins? Why should a layabout who does not have value for time call you to ask if you are busy? Of course, you are busy! You've got stuff to do! Whatever you do must be taking you gradually and progressively towards achieving your goal and if what anybody is bringing on cannot do that, YOU GOT NO TIME FOR THAT PERSON! 

Let me conclude it this way, time is life and whoever is wasting your time is wasting your life. When you kill your time, you commit suicide and when it's somebody else that person is guilty of murder. Don't give yourself or anybody the chance to kill your life. Have a specific goal and push towards achieving it!

If it blessed you, kindly share. Visit Twitter @pstiyke

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