Sunday, February 2, 2014


Since God said that Feb. is your month of ACCESS it,s imperative that I show you how to gain Access. The 1st thing I need you to understand is that access are with people. Human beings are actually keys and the way you relate with them determines the door they will be willing to open unto you.

Notice that I used the word WILLING. Why? Very simply, for anyone to grant you access, s/he has to be willing to do so. What that means is that you go after people's will. One man asked Jesus in the Bible and said to Him, ...If you are WILLING make me well. Jesus replied and said, I am willing be thou made whole. Whatever that is done unwillingly to you or for you does not carry blessings.


>>> HONOUR. God said they that honour Him, He will honour! Honour is reciprocal in nature. Honour must never be on face value if not it won't carry the requisite authority. Honour must be deep rooted, proceeding from the heart with every element of sincerity and truth. If you hate a man don't pretend to honour him. The 1st honour you give to a man is to love him sincerely. Here is my point, If Feb. must produce for you, you have to consciously focus on honour. Access is possible when honour is in place. Whoever you honour will naturally grant you access.

I will continue on this next Sunday if you will be kind to remind me. This week will favour you as you go out giving honour to whom honour is due.


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