Thursday, January 30, 2014


A very good Thursday morning to you. God Bless you with favour and access into important places.

Still on our life is progressive matter, we are now on the need to focus on life because there has to be LIFE (in place) before progress can be considered. We looked at, and understood the source of life.

Today, our concern is how well do we care for our lives? A man (Komla Dumor of BBC news) I admired so well in the area of communication and dressing slumped and died recently in his home in London. Just last week my wife also told me of her course mate who was a pastor, he complained of heart and suddenly slumped and died too.

These days, stroke does not wait for anyone to be old. Young men/women as young as 26 years old, die and are attacked by Stroke. I sincerely want to caution that taking care of your life is key! Don't get busy with your work that you forget you need life to do the work.

Life expectancy in Nigeria is now 45years and that is too bad. I am making a clarion call to as many that are willing to answer, please take care of your life. You really do not need the doctors to rush you into the intensive care unit (ICU) before you intensively take care of your life.

Tomorrow, I will attempt to show us how to take care of our lives but before then let me end by saying, that life is what makes living meaningful. If you don't have life you cannot live. Doctors, Lawyers, bankers, pastors, researchers, broadcasters etc whatever work that you do, which is so demanding, please try and strike a balance between taking care of your work and also your life.

We need you around and it's my prayer that you will not be a victim of 45years life expectancy.

I love you! Shalom!!

...@A'000Thoughts, @pstiyke @superioriyke

1 comment:

  1. Summary of Life is Progressive Series for Season 3 by Toni Eghosa-Kruz Ewone:::

    LIP1 > We can't have progress without life and also death is stagnancy. Life has an origin as it doesn't drop from the sky. It begins when it is connected to its source. Mere Functionality also does not equate to life. Life simply functions by supplies, nutrients and currents from the source. Our source is God and it is through Him we live. The devil gives an adulterated life so we should stay connected to God as there is nothing like the original.

    LIP2>> Life is simply for the living and it is only when it is in place that progress happens. Two major laws in this life are 1- The Law of the Spirit of Life : 2- The Law of Sin and Death. The Law of sin brings about death and destruction while Christ brings the spirit of life. its only in Him that we can move and have our being.

    LIP3> If we are out of God, we should try to connect ourselves back. The spirit that connects life is in Christ Jesus so we could be existing and not have Jesus thus a reconnect is critical. If He is not with us, we are old fashioned. This is the concept of life having an origin.

    LIP4>> Rest in Peace Komla Dumor and PST Lisa's course mate. People are losing lives and it is painful. We should strive to work but not get so busy as not to take care of our lives. Life expectancy in Nigeria is now 45 years of age and it is worrisome. We surely do need to be in an intensive care unit (ICU) condition before we can take Care of ourselves. Life is what makes living meaningful.

    Thank you Pst Iyke.
