Monday, January 27, 2014



A wonderful Monday morning to you and it's my prayer that this week will bring you great opportunities for expansion.

On this 3rd season of our deliberation "LIFE IS PROGRESSIVE," we will start with a closer look at life itself.
> Would we ever be talking about progress without life?
> Is the state of death not the state of permanent stagnancy?
I said all to say that it takes Life for any form of progress (gradual or rapid) to be recorded.

So before I continue talking to you about progress, I honestly have to talk to you about life. Life does not drop from the sky, it has an origin. Life is someone's copyright or brainchild. Life begins when life is connected to its source. Another way to say it is that you are truly alive when you are connected to the source of life.

Does it mean that people who are not connected, are not alive? YES! That you have not slumped and died does not mean you are alive if you are not connected. Functionality does not mean life. Life is functioning strictly by the supplies, nutrients and current that come by the source of life. "It is truly IN Him we live, move & have our beings."

Let me end it by saying that, the devil who adulterated and counterfeits everything from God will only give an adulterated and a counterfeited life. There is nothing like the original! God is the source of life! Staying connected to Him means being alive! Indeed you are alive when/if God lives in you. You need that kind of life to experience the kind of progress we've been discussing.

It continues tomorrow and I'll show you how it works. Shalom! If it blessed you, Pls bless someone by sharing!

...@A'000Thoughts BBM: 79E4BE61

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