Monday, February 17, 2014


Here is wishing you a beautiful Tuesday Morning. Hope you had a good night rest?

Just before we went to bed we talked about the need to cheer up as Jesus recommended. The reason He asked us to do so is simply because He has subdued (overcome) the world.

We also talked about the unfriendly and hostile nature of the world, stressing that if we allow that nature condition our attitude then we don't have real joy.

Real Joy comes in a regardless package!
_ Regardless of those that hate you, you've got joy!
_ Regardless of those that gossip you, you've got joy! _Regardless of those that don't support you, you've got joy! _Regardless of those that neglect, dishonour and do not appreciate you, you've got your joy!

Where I'm driving at is, don't ever ALLOW anything steal your joy! Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS and again I say REJOICE!

I have to quickly make my point for today which is to avoid the danger of retaliation. Hostility, like honour is reciprocal in nature, but the 'reciprocality' results to retaliation. Retaliation is against Jesus' principles and teachings. Jesus said if you are slapped on one cheek, turn the other! An eye for an eye principle does not work for mature/godly people. Do not pay evil for evil. The antidote for evil is reciprocating with good.

The world is hostile, but don't be like the world. Transform the world by being superior to it. Never conform to it.

Let me end it this way, somebody hurt you real bad yesterday that you've concluded on what to do to the person today. But remember mature/godly people don't retaliate hurt for hurt. They are likely going to give a warm and friendly hug as against hurt. Forgive people. If they know better, they will act better. (father, forgive them for they know not what they do).
Shalom! Hope I made sense?

Kindly share @A'000Thoughts & connect @PstIyke

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