Saturday, January 11, 2014

Surviving Adversity in 2014

Surviving adversity in 2014

Truth be told, 2014 is not void of adversity. To some it might come the 1st month, 1st week or even 1st day. To others it might come any time in the year. Quickly somebody would want to say GOD FORBID! And truly He will but how do you forbid it too?

Jesus said in this realm, we would have tribulations, then He instructs for us to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world. Cheerfulness, joy and a positive spirit are what the adversity or tribulations come to attack.

That you lost what you lost is not as important as losing your joy. If you lose your joy, you've actually lost big time! So regardless of the storm, hold tight to your joy and your praise. Don't let tears take the place of smiles. Do not let depression override or over-write excitement. The devil goes mad when, after all He has done, you are still happy! On the hospital bed, yet put together with a beautiful smile on your face. That indeed, is how to forbid along side with God.

1.  It's with joy that you draw water from the wells of salvation! Maybe the year started with tears for you, but hear me! God will show you His salvation!

2. It's your joy that fuels your strength and your strength is the secret of your survival. The joy of the Lord is defined as your strength. You need joy for strength and you need strength for continuous victory. Therefore, if your strength fails you in the day of adversity, your strength is small.

As I conclude, let me say it again, what the target is, in the day of adversity, is your strength and if you suffer strength failure then the devil wins. But if you can bounce back regardless of what you've been through, then you are truly POWERFUL!

In 2014, there is no mountain you cannot surmount and there is no storm you cannot survive! At the end of the year, you will have the last laugh!

Happy weekend and good morning!

1 comment:

  1. Life is progressive untill you use some forces like integrity, vision and enthusiasm you can never move with the pace of life. The forces that can impede your progress in life are; slothfulness, laziness, procasting and excuses. For one to reach his or her goal you must survive adversity and being joyfull gives you power over the devil. ONIMISI (08058063908)
