Monday, August 11, 2014


Benefits of Ebola Pt. 1

I have always hated to hear that saying "In all things give thanks to God." Now I have seen the very one thing of which no thanks should or must be given to God. Is there any reason to give thanks to God over the outbreak of this deadly virus called Ebola? He asked...

Well I have to answer, so I started: "It might not look like there is a reason to thank God over Ebola, but if people have thanked God over the loss of their loved ones like husbands, daughters, sons, wives, pastors, uncles, bread winners etc then Ebola is not as painful as that. I strongly stand by that scripture that encourages to give God thanks regardless.

Another fact to consider is that righteousness is now being forced down some people's throat vis fear of Ebola. The fear of Ebola has now become the beginning of wisdom. For instance, Lagos was fast becoming dirtier than Sodom & Gomorrah with a lot of sodomy,(check wikipedia), men standing on the streets to be picked by women or fellow men is now humbled by Ebola. The rate of pick ups is reduced because you don't know who slept with the lady or man you want to pick up. For that I say #ThankGodForEbola!

Husbands are now forced by Ebola to maintain fidelity and as a result infidelity is drastically reduced. Kissing, hugging, touching and such are now reasonably reduced very significantly.

The only singular password to exalting a Nation is righteousness for righteousness exalts a Nation, while sin is a reproach. Ebola is playing an amazing role in reducing the culture of immorality which was building up strongly both from the leaders to the led. Righteousness (which simply means knowing the right things to do and doing them) is now returning because of Ebola. Righteous acts such as maintaining a very good hygiene, respecting people's daughters, wives and sons and not desecrating them are now returning. Mind you, when righteousness returns, the city experiences exultation.

* If Ebola is reducing the number of our daughters standing on the streets, then #ThankGodForEbola!

* If Ebola is helping husbands remain and maintain fidelity, then #ThankGodForEbola!  

* If Ebola has made you very conscious of your hygiene, then #ThankGodForEbola! 

When I was done, the young man didn't know when he joined me and said #ThankGodForEbola!

What do you think? Did I answer him well? Would appreciate your comments on this one.

I want to know if I answered him well. Can anybody see/share another reason to #ThankGodForEbola?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014



Good Morning.
I am promoting the right or wise way to #LOOK and I am not in support of #LOOKINGFAR. The reason is because so much have been preached about looking far and as a result more failures have been generated. Most people who are claiming to be looking or seeing far do not know that NOW (the immediate) is the mother of tomorrow. Tomorrow is not automatic, tomorrow is the accumulated successes of the immediate. Ultimate success will be denied you if you don't master immediate success. Don't put your mind in making it big #tomorrow when you are doing nothing to start making it small #today. For Joseph, getting to the king's palace could not have been possible without the little successes in his father's house, Pit, Potipher's house, Prison and then the BIG BANG! People ignore today in their quest for tomorrow and that's #WRONG! Don't forget, you are not certain of tomorrow. All you have is NOW! Take it serious!

Another look I don't support  is #LOOKINGBACK. Looking back is not a wise look. No driver drives forward successfully looking ONLY at the rear or side mirrors. Don't look back unless you are learning from back and avoiding being hit from behind. People repeat mistakes because they didn't learn from yesterday. However, never build a residential mansion in your past. Whenever the devil wants to call up your past remind him that there is a sea flowing with a very high current called the sea of #FORGETFULNESS! Ask him AND SO WHAT?

* And so what that I committed abortion 7 times?
* And so what that I was a cultist?
* And so what that I was a street girl?
* And so what that I have committed murder?
* And so what that I have committed fornication, adultery, idolatry and the rest?
* And so what that I was a lesbian, gay or sexual pervert?
That was then and THIS IS NOW!
Tell him, "It is Christ who justifies (Justify means JUST AS never committed any sin) who is he that condemns?
Also tell him that "He that is in Christ is a new creature, old things are passed away and SEE all things have become NEW!"
Tell him also that "He that Christ sets free is free #INDEED!"

Did you get my drift? The past is gone! Don't live in it. DO NOT LOOK BACK for it is a wrong way to look!

Kindly share || @PstIyke || #A000Thoughts.



Sequel to our last week's deliberation titled #LOOk we'll consider how to look wisely. "It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." It means some are looking but not seeing. Seeing is what makes looking potent. Now, God never told Abraham, "as far as your eyes can look..." what God said was "as far as your eyes can see." Wise Look guarantees sight or seeing.

1. Don't look far
Haba, but every motivational speaker encourages us to look far. Well, it seems I am saying otherwise but my otherwise is supported by Jesus when He said. "Take no thought of tomorrow..." Tomorrow is not a good place to look. Far is not the best way to look.

The quest to see tomorrow has set many people on the wrong path. Some have visited diviners, sooth-sayers, star-gazers and palm-reader to find out
* How long will I live?
* Will I marry and who is the man or woman?
* Will I be rich or poor?
* Will I come back from the journey or not?
The question is, "the person you are consulting, is s/he sure of his or her own tomorrow?" Why do we consult extremely fearful people to help us deal with our fears?

James 4: 13,14 says "Come now, you who say, today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, make a profit" (and generally enjoy life: emphasis 'mine') whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow..."

Yesterday is gone, today is a gift while tomorrow is not certain. The best day of your life is today. Today is that tomorrow you talked about yesterday. Tomorrow will still be today when you arrive at it. Make wise use of your today! Don't waste it in your quest for what is not certain. You can't secure tomorrow by looking at tomorrow. If you must secure tomorrow there is a place to look and I will show you subsequently.

Kindly share. @PstIyke #A000Thoughts. 7E303176

Friday, July 25, 2014


Jesus becomes the author and finisher of the #faith of not just everybody but of those that #LOOK on to Him. So it reads "Looking on to #Jesus the author and finisher of your faith." Some times I feel it will be more powerful if it reads "fasting for 100 days the author and finisher of your faith" but amazingly, it was just looking. Only to Look? #YES!

The #idea or #mystery #behind looking is that you become what you #focus on. "As we behold Him in a #mirror we are #changed to the same #image from #glory to #glory..." Do you know my friends that all you need is to #SEE #JESUS?

What does it mean to see Jesus?
I must remind you that the #deadly #venom of the #serpents in the #wilderness was dealt with just by #LOOKING at the #serpent on the tree.

"As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the son of man be lifted up that everyone who believes may have eternal life." #John3:14,15

The incidence of the serpent in numbers 21:8,9 is been rocking my mind especially on the fact that all that the victims of the snake bite needed to do was just to LOOK! Indeed we can concluded that the commandments of God are not grevious. His burdens are not heavy. Can you possibly imagine that death was dealt with just by LOOKING? I have to say this now, "no matter how powerful your situation is, it cannot stand the force of an instruction from God."

Never ever try to logically analyse the sense in what God says. It might not make logical sense but it produces beyond logical powers. So God said to them LOOK! What does that mean? CREATE BLINDNESS!

I pray for you from my heart that every negative situation of delay, death, barrenness, poverty, depression, debt, marital attack, rejection comes to an end NOW in Jesus Name!

Serpent that was #hung on a tree by divine instruction brought life to the children of Israel just by #LOOKING at it. Anyone dying by the snake bite is just expected to #LOOK at the serpent hung on a tree and scripture then tells us that "just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so shall the son of man be lifted up and that anyone who believes in Him shall be delivered."

It was the easiest #instruction but some died for ignoring it and not looking.
Please note that what makes for effective Looking is where you look. Most of us look at evil and become evil. Some who are addicted to #Pornography and other things, was because they took the first look. Who or what you look at determines what you look like. So the serpent on the tree was a symbol of #life and as many that looked lived. Jesus is that serpent on the #tree and I beg of you to LOOK on Him today.

To #LOOK means to #CREATE #BLINDNESS. You can't focus on something and not be blind towards others. If you want to be blind towards #strange #women for instance look effectively on your wife. The reverse is also the instance for wives. So looking at this serpent requires #focus which creates blindness. It requires absolute ignoring of your pains. I want to say that most people #magnify their pains and situations by looking at them. Look on what you want to look like not what you look like now.
_ Look on #Christ! The more you do the more you become like Him.
_ Look on #Joy! The more you do the more you become joyous.
_ Look on #marital #bliss! The more you do, the more you enjoy it!
_ Look on #prosperity! The more you do, the more it comes to you.
There is a magnetic force embedded in the #mystery of focus that makes what you look at #gravitate towards you!

It's a new day for you! Your pains are gone! Life has come! Welcome to a #NEW #BEGINNING!

One of the benefits of #focus is that it #CREATES #BLINDNESS. Blindness has been generally considered as #disability and a negative #condition, but blindness when seen in another light is amazingly beneficial. You have to be blind to somethings to activate others.

During the snake bite incident in the wilderness as many that focused on the snake bite and the pain of it, effectively created blindness toward LIFE that hung on a tree. On the other hand, as many that #LOOKed on the serpent on the tree created blindness toward their pain and were delivered from it.

My point is, #LOOK, #Focus and fix your #gaze only on what can deliver you not what you want to be delivered from. Don't look at what is obvious, look at what you desire because your desire is more real than your obvious.

_ You are obviously barren (by doctor's report), but see your children, #LOOK at them running around the house.
_ You are jobless (your certificate of just a pass does not even give you a chance), but see an amazingly exalted office with an overwhelming pay.
_ Over 40 and not yet married, but see you cooking for your husband in the kitchen.

In our kingdom our desire is more powerful than our obvious! We walk by faith, NEVER by sight! We look not at things seen but things not seen for the seen are short-lived while the unseen are #permanent!

Do you know what that means? It means that the miracles coming your way today are: #abiding, #changeless, #continual, diurnal, #durable, #enduring, #everlasting, #fixed, for keeps, forever, immutable, imperishable, in for the long haul, #indestructible, invariable, long-lasting, #perdurable, #perduring, #perennial, perpetual, persistent, set, set in concrete, set in stone, stable, #steadfast, #unchanging, #unfading

Somebody ought to shout #GLORY!!


Friday, May 23, 2014


How do I survive a storm?

Was just thinking that perhaps there might be  someone who is going through life-threatening storm right now and the person is wondering "will I ever survive this?"

Well, my first point would be that the answer to that question resides with you, not God. Surviving is not more about the Grace released, but what you do with the Grace released. Grace for life, health, preservation, protection and survival has been released even before you entered that danger...but the big question is, "what are you doing with what you've got?"

It's an insult on the grace to survive when you think that
1. God has abandoned you.
2. This storm is bigger than me.
3. It's my fate or destiny.
No storm is a destination! No storm is a full stop! Just punctuations.

Job's end was better than his beginning simply because when you go through storms like Job did, you are meant to be better. I therefore define storm as that momentary challenge which is meant to produce a better you for more effectiveness and better living.

Even if everything is  taken away from you, never allow the storm take you! Things can't reproduce you, but you can reproduce things! Take heed to yourself! Increase your mental, emotional, health and physical stability. Stay fasten in a sure place (Isa.22:23)

Here is my solution: While in the storm, consciously visualize, verbalize, anticipate and strategize your exit from the stormy place to your expected place.  The easiest way to die on the cross (storm) is not to see the joy set before you. Life does not end here! Wipe your tears cos YOU NEED TO SEE WELL! ...You'll make it out!

This thought can build back hope in someone. Kindly rebroadcast and if you need agreement prayer call 08035500756!

Pray with me: Lord according to Isa22:23 I am fastened like a nail in a sure place! I'm strong and will survive in Jesus Name!


How do I survive a storm?

Was just thinking that perhaps there might be  someone who is going through life-threatening storm right now and the person is wondering "will I ever survive this?"

Well, my first point would be that the answer to that question resides with you, not God. Surviving is not more about the Grace released, but what you do with the Grace released. Grace for life, health, preservation, protection and survival has been released even before you entered that danger...but the big question is, "what are you doing with what you've got?"

It's an insult on the grace to survive when you think that
1. God has abandoned you.
2. This storm is bigger than me.
3. It's my fate or destiny.
No storm is a destination! No storm is a full stop! Just punctuations.

Job's end was better than his beginning simply because when you go through storms like Job did, you are meant to be better. I therefore define storm as that momentary challenge which is meant to produce a better you for more effectiveness and better living.

Even if everything is  taken away from you, never allow the storm take you! Things can't reproduce you, but you can reproduce things! Take heed to yourself! Increase your mental, emotional, health and physical stability. Stay fasten in a sure place (Isa.22:23)

Here is my solution: While in the storm, consciously visualize, verbalize, anticipate and strategize your exit from the stormy place to your expected place.  The easiest way to die on the cross (storm) is not to see the joy set before you. Life does not end here! Wipe your tears cos YOU NEED TO SEE WELL! ...You'll make it out!

This thought can build back hope in someone. Kindly rebroadcast and if you need agreement prayer call 08035500756!

Pray with me: Lord according to Isa22:23 I am fastened like a nail in a sure place! I'm strong and will survive in Jesus Name!


How do I survive a storm?

Was just thinking that perhaps there might be  someone who is going through life-threatening storm right now and the person is wondering "will I ever survive this?"

Well, my first point would be that the answer to that question resides with you, not God. Surviving is not more about the Grace released, but what you do with the Grace released. Grace for life, health, preservation, protection and survival has been released even before you entered that danger...but the big question is, "what are you doing with what you've got?"

It's an insult on the grace to survive when you think that
1. God has abandoned you.
2. This storm is bigger than me.
3. It's my fate or destiny.
No storm is a destination! No storm is a full stop! Just punctuations.

Job's end was better than his beginning simply because when you go through storms like Job did, you are meant to be better. I therefore define storm as that momentary challenge which is meant to produce a better you for more effectiveness and better living.

Even if everything is  taken away from you, never allow the storm take you! Things can't reproduce you, but you can reproduce things! Take heed to yourself! Increase your mental, emotional, health and physical stability. Stay fasten in a sure place (Isa.22:23)

Here is my solution: While in the storm, consciously visualize, verbalize, anticipate and strategize your exit from the stormy place to your expected place.  The easiest way to die on the cross (storm) is not to see the joy set before you. Life does not end here! Wipe your tears cos YOU NEED TO SEE WELL! ...You'll make it out!

This thought can build back hope in someone. Kindly rebroadcast and if you need agreement prayer call 08035500756!

Pray with me: Lord according to Isa22:23 I am fastened like a nail in a sure place! I'm strong and will survive in Jesus Name!

Monday, March 31, 2014

MOTHERHOOD (Other Children)

Good Evening. Hope your day went well? Tomorrow will bring you greater joy. Happy New Week.

In honor to mothers, I want to dedicate this week's thoughts or quotes to mothers.

Here then is my thought for today:

"There is no barrenness in motherhood. Better still, no married woman is barren on the basis of not having a biological child because every child is an opportunity for you to show if you are qualified for motherhood. If you cannot provide positive influence to the children around you, entrusting you with one would be a disaster." ...IKECHUKWU!

Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

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Sunday, March 30, 2014


Mothers? Don't they
M: Model
O: Organise
T: Teach
H: Help
E: Encourage
R: Restore?

It's my opinion that mothers should be greatly appreciated. Everything is shifted to the mothers. Regular question in the mouth of the men whenever their children approach them for something is "WHERE IS YOUR MOTHER?" One will wonder, these mothers are they not human beings? Don't they... No! Sorry, shouldn't they rest? Stressing them is bad enough, but not appreciating them is worse.

Today 30th Of March 2014 is mothers' Day and I want to stand on the behalf of men to honour, appreciate and celebrate mothers. Starting from my wife Pst. Lisa Nneka Nnamdi, my mum Mrs. Uzoma Mercy Onwumere to my mum-inlaw Mrs. Maureen Ekezie to My spiritual Mothers Pst. Ifeanyi Paul-Adefarasin, Pst. Sonia Biayeibo, Prophetess Sabina Macfoy Akachukwu, Dr. Mrs. Edith Nwosu, Mrs. Modupe Ehirim, Prophetess Dilliana Powell, Pst. May Victor and many others. To My sisters and friends Mrs. Chidinma Ndukwe, Adaeze Onwumere, Mrs. Nkiru Emeka-Odibenma. To all the Mothers in HOTR, Benin.

I want to specially send out much love, honour and appreciation to single mothers out there. I honour you because you refused to abort and you gave a soul an opportunity to live. You are indeed a real mother and I appreciate you.

Finally I have to properly define motherhood as not just being able to bring forth a baby into the world, but influencing that baby positively to become a solution in the world, not a problem. Those that bomb others were given birth to by mothers. If you are not ready to make a positive contribution in the life of a baby, please don't bring that baby into the world.

Happy Mother's Day with Love!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

TOUCH (Support)

Good Morning!

"One of the sweetest questions I've heard is: "How may I help you?" Rendering help brings out of weakness to strength."

Here then is my thought for today:

."Connectivity or TOUCH cannot be preached without support. Your support deals with my limitation. Once my limitation is out of the way, then you've really TOUCHED me." ...IKECHUKWU!

Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

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Twitter: @PstIyke
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Bbm:       79E4BE61


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

TOUCH (Sympathy)

Good Morning!

"Sorry! I'm sorry! So sorry!" That's what has become regular these days, but to whom you say sorry to, it's preferred that you act the sorry than say the sorry.

Here then is my thought for today:

."Sympathy is good, but does it really ameliorate pain? If the vessel that presents or delivers  sympathy is not empathy then TOUCH is not truly achieved" ...IKECHUKWU!

Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

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Twitter: @PstIyke
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Bbm:       79E4BE61


Monday, March 24, 2014

TOUCH (Selflessness)

Good Morning!

Touch, Connection, connectivity, interest, relevance what more should life be about if not those?

Here then is my thought for today:

"One thing outstanding amongst trans-generational great men and women is that they never lived for themselves. Mandela to Ghandi to Martin Luther King Jr to Mother Theresa etc. They all lived life not minding if they had needs, but busy meeting other people's needs. Selfishness will make it end with you, but selflessness would make you continue even after you've ended." ...IKECHUKWU!

Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

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Twitter: @PstIyke
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Bbm:       79E4BE61


Sunday, March 23, 2014


Good Morning. It's a new week! Welcome. This week you will be remembered for Good!

At what point do you know you are living? What kind of life amounts to living? How do you remain alive even when you're gone? We will look into that this week. Your life can make a meaning.

Here then is my thought for today:

"You can't help but wonder how much difference one person makes in the world. We look inside ourselves questioning if we have the capacity for heroism and greatness, but the truth is, every time we take an action, we make an impact. Every single thing we do has an effect on the people around us. Every choice we make sends ripples out into the world. Our smallest acts of kindness can cause a chain reaction of unforeseen benefits for people we've never met. We might not witness those results, but they happen all the same." ...IKECHUKWU!

Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

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Twitter: @PstIyke
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Bbm:       79E4BE61


Posted via Blogaway

Friday, March 21, 2014

SLAVERY THEORY (Superior Mind)

Good Morning.

There is a level you get to and you start thinking, operating and creating like God. Even divinity can reflect in your mentality. That level is the highest level of mental emancipation.

Here then is my thought for today:

"The height of mental emancipation is not just the ability for your mind to be free, but for your mind to create. The sign of a superior mind is having a brainchild. The high point here is not just to create, but to create like Christ and to do that you NEED THE MIND OF CHRIST. I have it, do you?" ...IKECHUKWU!

...Continues on Monday...
Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

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Twitter: @PstIyke
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Bbm:       79E4BE61


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Good Morning.

Knowledge they say is power and I also believe it empowers. Here then, is my thought for today:

"What water is to a dirty situation, that is what knowledge is to mental slavery. If water can provide cleansing for a dirty situation, Knowledge will provide freedom from mental slavery" ...IKECHUKWU!

Continues tomorrow...
Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

Stay Connected:
Twitter: @PstIyke
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Bbm:       79E4BE61


Tuesday, March 18, 2014


It's a beautiful Wednesday. Good Morning.

Even after we must have been emancipated from mental slavery, if we don't know what enslaved us in the first place, we would be enslaved again. Here then, is my thought for today:

"Just as our fore fathers gave us away into slavery at the instance of a mirror, so do we give our minds away into slavery at the instance of ignorance!" ...IKECHUKWU!

Continues tomorrow...
Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

Stay Connected:
Twitter: @PstIyke
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Bbm:       79E4BE61


Monday, March 17, 2014

SLAVERY THEORY (Emancipation)

Good Morning this Tuesday! Remember that this week, God will use you to define what beauty is!

Mental slavery as we agreed yesterday is the worst kind of slavery, but what does it require to acquire freedom from mental slavery?  Here is the quote for today:

"The thing about mental slavery is that the slave master is you. Therefore you don't need corporate participation to emancipate you as much as you need personal willingness and commitment to emancipate yourself from mental slavery." ...IKECHUKWU!

Continues tomorrow...
Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb.

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Bbm:       79E4BE61



Good Morning Beloved friend and welcome to a beautiful week. This week, God will use you to define what beauty is!

Our thought for this week will come in form of quotes but the quotes will all be based on the topic in focus. Our topic in focus this week is SLAVERY. Here is the quote for today:

"The worse kind of slavery is mental slavery. Even if you are enslaved physically but not mentally, soon your physical slavery will be over. The chains on your hands/legs are not as strong as the chains on your mind." ...IKECHUKWU!

Continues tomorrow. Kindly share with friends on twitter, whatsapp, bbm & fb. Also connect with me on:

Twitter:   @PstIyke
Blogs: &
Bbm:       79E4BE61

This week, you'll LAUGH!

Posted via Blogaway

Friday, March 14, 2014


Good afternoon. Happy weekend and God give you a weekend Blessing.

Continuing on our "SUPPORT THEORY" we discovered yesterday that true friendship is going all out for your friends. Go the distance, take the risk, break the roof, whatever you do, elevate your friend to your social status instead of abandoning him/her because of seemingly present predicament. The four friends of our inspiration broke the roof.

My concern today is not that they broke the roof, my concern is more on Jesus' reaction to their action. Let's read it again:
Mark 2: 1-5 (Msg) "After a few days, Jesus returned to Capernaum, and word got around that he was back home. A crowd gathered, jamming the entrance so no one could get in or out. He was teaching the Word. They brought a paraplegic to him, carried by four men. When they weren’t able to get in because of the crowd, they removed part of the roof and lowered the paraplegic on his stretcher. Impressed by their bold belief, Jesus said to the paraplegic, “Son, I forgive your sins.”

Jesus saw their faith and he was impressed by it. He was so impressed that He forgave the man even without the man confessing any of his sins or confessing Jesus as Lord. Jesus has always been all about the "KINGDOM" and "FAITH." He preached more of the kingdom and faith than any other subject. He's always turned on whenever He sees faith. He said to Peter, "...I've prayed for you so that you don't lose your faith." He said to the woman who came looking for healing-bread for her daughter "...Great is your faith" and same He said also to the man in authority who told Him to just speak the word only and his servant will be healed. Without this faith, God will not be pleased. Without it, God cannot be approached because whoever cometh to Him must have faith.

Let me end it this way, the best way to show true friendship is to join faith together with your friend. In a scenario where s/he has lost all their faith, be a faith booster to them. Some how I will start believing in myself when I see that you believe in me. I won't give up easily when I see that you are not giving up on me. Believe with him or her!
* believe with your friend that she will carry her baby,
* believe with her that she will get married.
* Believe with him that he will clear his debts.
* Believe with him that the business will pick up.
* Believe with them that the trouble will come to an end.

Let me say one more thing, faith is not faith until it's backed up with action. Faith without works is dead. Do not just believe with them, you've got to SHOW (ACT) it! Uncover the roof, that is a true sign of faith........

Get ready! Today
- God will position people that will uncover the roof for your sake!
- Your faith will not disappoint you! and it will produce amazing results!
- People owing you will pay you today!
- What you've been expecting for 6 months now, will arrive today and great shall be your joy! (If you believe, you will testify)!

Be blessed and highly favoured as you kindly share this thought with your friends and connect with me on:

Twitter: @PstIyke
Bbm:       79E4BE61


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Friendship and Risk

Posted via Blogaway


It's obviously a beautiful Thursday Morning and I'm glad you made it into another day.

Today, we would attempt to answer one important question which is, What do I do to show true friendship? Remember that, following our discuss since Monday
* a true friend is not envious or jealous,
* a true friend does not abandon his or her friend when in trouble
* a true friend sticks closer than a brother
* a true friend shows himself friendly.

Our inspiration is from the four friends who showed their paraplegic friend true friendship. Let's take a look at that account and what actually transpired.

Mark 2: 1-5 (Msg) "After a few days, Jesus returned to Capernaum, and word got around that he was back home. A crowd gathered, jamming the entrance so no one could get in or out. He was teaching the Word. They brought a paraplegic to him, carried by four men. When they weren’t able to get in because of the crowd, they removed part of the roof and lowered the paraplegic on his stretcher. Impressed by their bold belief, Jesus said to the paraplegic, “Son, I forgive your sins.”

Jesus got interrupted and excited at the same time. His excitement, which was as a result of His impression by these guys' action, provoked not just healing but salvation. In fact, He first saved the man before He healed him(talk for another day). My concern for today is that true friendship can be measured by the distance you can cover or risk you can take for your friend.

My question for you is, How far can you go for your friends? How far can you go to bring him/her out of his/her predicament? How far can you go during his/her wedding? How far can you go to fix him/her up? How far can you go when others have abandoned her? How far can you go when she's guilty and imprisoned?

These four friends didn't care about the consequences of breaking somebody's roof. They were careless about the laws of intrusion. As long as they were concerned, by any means possible our friend must be healed. True friendship involves risk. Can you really take some risk for your friends? Selah!

Get Ready! Today
- God will send people that will go all out for you!
- You will come to the end of a long lasting predicament today in Jesus Name!
- By all means possible, that which is responsible for calamity is rolled out forever today!
- Bad, insensitive and envious friends will be taken away from you and replaced by true friends in Jesus Name!

Be blessed and highly favoured as you share this thought with friends and connect with me on:
Twitter:   @PstIyke
Bbm:        79E4BE61


Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Beautiful Wednesday Morning to you and yours! Hope you had a nice night?

Today we are continuing on our discuss about the four friends of a paralytic man in a series we've titled "SUPPORT THEORY." The idea is to promote the powerful value of true friendship. The bond of true friendship is stronger than the bond of genetic connection.

We talked about two signs of lack of friendship which are 1. Envy/Jealousy and 2. Abandonment. Having touched the 1st one briefly, I want us to consider the second one briefly too. It's a popular saying worth mentioning again that "a friend in need is a friend indeed." If I can look around and still see you especially when I am down and out, indeed you are my friend. If you are there for me when I am needy, you are for real.

If I was good to be in your class when you are at my level, don't change levels and abandon me simply because I am no longer in your class. If you are truly my friend help me get to your elevated class so that social factors will not make you ashamed to call me your friend. Was that not what this four friends in Mark 2: 1 - 5 did?

Their friend as a result of health challenge was no longer at their class or level. Non of them was paraplegic but their friend was. They didn't say, "well we are four we don't need to be five." They didn't judge (like most people would do today) saying, "who knows what he has done to attract this calamity?" Instead, they stood by him and helped elevate him to their own status. That's friendship right there! Like the Holy Book would say, "he that wants to have a friend, must make himself friendly." ...Continues tomorrow!

Get ready! Today
- God will use you to bring people out of difficult situation!
- Your influence would not just increase, but would become global!
- Your enemies will be put to shame as they see you change levels from glory to glory!
- Your blessings will not be short-lived. Your blessings will outlast you! I command the Grace for Trans-generational blessing upon you in Jesus Name!

Be blessed and highly favoured as you kindly share with your friends and connect with me on

Twitter: @PstIyke


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

SUPPORT THEORY (True Friendship)

Good Tuesday Morning to you and yours in Jesus Name.

Yesterday we commenced another teaching series that we called SUPPORT THEORY. The concept of support theory is to promote true friendship. The bond of true friendship sometimes can be stronger than the bond  of genetic connection. Consequently, a friend sticks closer than a brother.

There two things I've seen that reveals lack of true friendship:
1. Envy/Jealousy
2. Abandonment

The first one is an attitude or behaviour influenced by the reality of a good news, while the second is influenced by the reality of a bad news. I've never seen where envy is provoked by a bad news, but I have seen friends abandon each other because of an ill news.

That something nice happened to your friend should provoke you into rejoicing, excitement and gratitude; if your feeling is otherwise you are not a true friend. Getting angry because your friend got promoted is a sign of wickedness. Refusing to pick her call because she's about to marry is a sign immaturity. If you are asked to rejoice with them that  rejoice, how much more should you do so with your friends?

Will continue on this line of thought tomorrow, but if you want to be a true friend, do not envy and be jealous when your friends receives a good thing. On the other hand, do not abandon your friend when he or she needs you the most.

Get ready, Today:
- The people that abandoned you will remember you for good!
- Whosoever is holding your blessing will release it today!
- The things that will make people abandon you will Never happen to you!
- God will impress in your heart to remember and be kind to those you've abandoned.

Be blessed and highly favoured as you share with your friends and connect with me on twitter @PstIyke


Monday, March 10, 2014

Support Theory (Introduction)

It's a new day and a new week! It's your week of total recovery. Good Morning and thank God for the grace to be alive.

We've ended our Lepers Theory series. Insights from the lives of the four lepers are not finished but let's leave it for now and look at another four guys. There is another set of guys, four in number that provoked great wonder by their action. This week, we will see what God will help us glean from their lives in a series I've titled "SUPPORT THEORY."

A man was sick and seriously bedridden. Notice that when you are seriously sick people would get tired of you being a disturbance to them. some will wish for you to even die, let's know that one is over, but these four guys stood by their friend. The support theory promotes the culture of true friendship.

Calling me your friend when everything is nice and dandy is a joke. The question is, will you still call me your friend when I am down and out? True friendship is not only when the going is good. True friendship is seen when the going is tough. I want to challenge your personality...What manner of person are you? A jolly good fellow and when things are not good, nobody should disturb you?

No need to keep writing, a word as they say is enough for the wise. What is that word? Go back to those friends who stood by you and were good friends to you, who you abandoned because life happened to them negatively. That you are advantaged doesn't mean you should neglect your disadvantaged friend.

If you cannot use your advantage to help the disadvantage, you are also disadvantaged. Selah!

Get ready! This week
- You are moving from the position of disadvantage to the position of advantage!
- You will dispense help to as many that you would come across
- Your relevance and influence will increase tremendously this week
- Serious financial breakthrough will happen for you this week.

You are blessed and highly favoured as you kindly share this thought with your friends. Follow me also on twitter @PstIyke


Saturday, March 8, 2014


Good morning and happy weekend.

Today 8th of March is the 2014 International women's day with the Theme: EQUALITY FOR WOMEN IS PROGRESS FOR ALL, focusing on Violence against women and girls, gender equality and mutual respect. 

The question is, can women possibly be equal with men? It's obviously a case of serious argument and my brothers that are chip of the old block would never agree. The point is, what should we base our argument on? On who's or what authority do we conclude this matter?

Being that I am not argumentative in nature, I would go straight to what I consider the best authority ever. Everybody's opinion is valid but which opinion do we consider authentic? What does the manual say about this issue? Just like other products, human beings as  products, also have the manufacturer's manual and in that manual, gender equality question was perfectly answered.

Genesis 1:26 KJV
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

It's amazing to me that when God conceptualized the idea to make man, He never thought of HE, but THEM "...and let THEM have dominion..." Couldn't this 'THEM' mean something else? Does it mean male and female? Well, let's find out:

Genesis 1:27 KJV
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Now that's powerful right there..."Male and female created He Them. so the 'THEM' He made, actually were Male & Female. By God's standard, I am not superior to women, I am equal to them. Equality, as long as gender issues are concerned, is stronger than superiority.

Let me just end it with one question and I stand on behalf of the men to apologize to the women for the wrongs we've done against them. Here is my question, the men that feel superior to the women, could they have come out to the world without a woman? Could they have brought their sons and daughters out into the world without a woman? Dominion from our manual was never given to he (male-man) alone, it was given to them (the male&female He created at the same time). It therefore means that we are not meant  to dominate the women. Real men don't suppress the women! 

On this International women's day, as I congratulate the women, I call on men to love, value, respect, honour and appreciate them. I also call the men to maturity, let us be real men! The sign of manhood is not being a tyrant, it's not on the macho or ego, it is actually on his gentility. Real men are gentlemen and I have never seen a gentleman who dishonours his wife by publicly disgracing her, beating and abusing her in front of the children and having her enter public transport with the fleet of cars parked at the garage. Men, let's be real men.  

The link below is my special gift to women on this day. It's an article for women and the men who love them entitled "WOMEN, WE MEN ARE SORRY." It will bless you. Here is the link: 

Thank you for reading. God Bless You!


Friday, March 7, 2014

The Lepers Theory (Vain Glory) Conclusion

Good morning and happy weekend. I wouldn't say thank God is Friday because I thank God for everyday.

We are now concluding on our lepers theory and on today, we would look at fame, validation, rewards, acknowledgement and the likes.
The 1st question running in my head is, what should necessitate our motivation for action? Should it be solution mentality or incentive mentality? Why has "WHAT IS IN IT FOR ME?" (WIIIFM) become the attitude of many, if not most people?

Please don't get me wrong, acknowledgement is good, incentives are good, reward and validation are good; but the question is what motivates your action. It has gotten so bad that some people will not event act until the WIIIFM is settled. They always tune to the FM that has 3(i)s and just 1 we (W-III-FM). To them it's never about what we've accomplished, it's always about what I've accomplished and as a result they seek reward or acknowledgement. "The-I-made-this-happen-leader" is not a good leader. The great leader is "the-we-made-this-happen-leader."

How does it connect with our study? Check out what the lepers said:
2 Kings 7:10, 11
"So they came and called to the gatekeepers of the city and told them, “We came to the camp of the Syrians, and behold, there was no one to be seen or heard there, nothing but the horses tied and the donkeys tied and the tents as they were.
11 Then the gatekeepers called out, and it was told within the king's household. (ESV)"

Notice that our lepers were not afraid to communicate their findings to gatekeepers for the king to hear. How many of us can pass our secret to others? Some of us in our places of work will KNOW IT and HIDE IT until we are the ones to SAY IT. You wonder why that kind of attitude, the answer is simply vain glory!

Vain glory happens when you alone want to take the glory.
Vain glory is when you can't share the glory with friends.
Vain glory also happens when you refuse to give glory to God.
An attitude of feeling you are too much and not remembering you are but a grass or a vapour that appears now and it's gone tomorrow. Give Glory to God! When an accolade comes, channel it back to God, When acknowledgement comes, channel it back to God. All the glory belongs to Him alone and being a jealous God, He does not like to share His glory.

If I am to talk like a corporate consultant I would say channel the glory to your superior. A wise subordinate acknowledges that if not for the opportunity given to him by his superior, he won't be where he is now. (Food for thought)

Finally, the lepers didn't go themselves to the king. Somebody would say "it's because they were lepers!" I want to believe that it was more of their attitude and respect for order than it is for their medical condition. What is the protocol of getting a message to the king? That protocol, we will observe. Respect for protocol is a sign of maturity. Never abuse protocol simply because you think, you have access.

I'm done! Get ready! This weekend:
- You will move from the back to the front!
- Famine-terminating solution for your country would come from you!
- Your quest for vain glory will be eradicated and you will channel glory properly.
- A surprise lifting/promotion awaits you in your place of work on Monday!

Be blessed and highly favoured as you share with your friends and connect with me on twitter @PstIyke


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Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Lepers Theory (Procrastination)

Good Thursday Morning my beloved.

Here is what the lepers said in 2 kings 7: 9 
"Then they said one to another, We are not doing right. This is a day of [glad] good news and we are silent and do not speak up! If we wait until daylight, some punishment will come upon us [for not reporting at once]. So now come, let us go and tell the king’s household." (AMP). 

The truth is that, embodied in this lepers theory are many success principles. They did not just know to do good regardless of the evil done against them, they also knew to be spontaneous!

Procrastination indeed attracts many punishments.
1. The punishment of remaining at a stagnant place. The only antidote for stagnation is instant action. Never keep for tomorrow what should happen now!

2. The punishment of frustration especially when you see the people you are better off move on. I've discovered that moving on is not much of competence than it is of stepping out. I keep thinking what happens to an immobile competent fellow in comparison to a mobile incompetent one? Most likely the mobile incompetent guy would embrace competence on the go while the immobile competent guru would die only him knowing his competence.

I think of good guys who wouldn't land a job because they wouldn't accept a-day-of-little-beginning-offer as a result of their high horse competence. I also remember some guys who decided that a little is better than nothing until before their eyes they climbed to having it all.

The lepers said, "If we wait until daylight, some punishment will come upon us [for not reporting at once]. So now come, let us go and tell the king’s household." (AMP).

Here is my point, great people only turn out great because they have mastered the act of AT ONCE (spontaneous) good decision.

That I preach the AT-ONCE principle does not negate paying attention to your sensitivity.
The wrong things must not be done at once.
The wrong deal must not be signed at once.
The wrong decision must not be made at once.

Once your sensitivity detects danger, use "Delayed gratification," which is also a principle of greatness.
However, Once you've searched your spirit and all is correct and you have a strong push to move, never slack!

Most men that I know regret over land they should have bought many years ago when they had the strong nudge to, but because they procrastinated, they didn't buy and the land now is hot cake, but not theirs.

Here is my last point about procrastination
3. It will eventually deny you what you'd intended to do. By that I mean you might never do it again.
Stop the procrastination.
Do it at once!

Get ready!
- today, grace for spontaneity is released on you!
- what others struggle to do, you will do easily!
- You will never miss a golden opportunity again and the ones you missed in this season of total recovery are coming back to you!
- Your mistakes will turn to a mighty miracle for you today!

Be blessed and highly favoured as you share this thought with your friends and follow me @PstIyke(twitter).

Posted via Blogaway

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Lepers Theory (Forgiveness)

It's a beautiful Wednesday morning and I wish you the best of today!

I've discovered that the major indicator of GREATNESS is FORGIVENESS. Great people don't withhold or deny forgiveness to others regardless of the evil done against them.

Joseph's brothers contemplated killing him, put him in a pit and sold him out as a slave, yet he forgave them. #Joseph:Greatman!

What of Jesus who on the cross prayed and said to His father; "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Does it really come easy to forgive the one who put you on the cross? #Jesus:Greatman!

Just remembered the late Nelson Mandela who spent 27 years of his life in the prison, yet when he occupied the position of authority refused to use his authority for revenge. #Mandela:Greatman!

I have to quickly say here that authority is not used for vindication. It's an abuse of authority to use it for vengeance!

How does it connect?
Our four lepers marched in and discovered two things,
1. Opposition is gone and
2. Enough provision available.
They began to eat, meanwhile few minutes ago it was death they had concluded on.
(..Today God will turn your worst situation to a heavy miracle)!

Later, the lepers said "if we eat all these food and forget our brethren, that won't be fine." Maybe one of them asked, "which brethren?"
People that quarantined us?
People that call us unclean?
People that refused to associate with us? Never!
I also picture another one say, "do you know if God brought us to this miracle for such a time as this?

Paying evil for evil is not a sign of greatness! Let's go announce to them what the Lord has done and be a solution. They quarantined us quite alright, but God didn't and as long as God didn't quarantine us, that of man is void.

Where real problem is, is to be accepted by men and quarantined by God.

So they went to tell their brethren thereby ending the famine in the city.

My question for you is this, ARE YOU A GREAT MAN/WOMAN?
Do you forgive?
Can you do good to them that were wicked towards you?
Do you have a vengeful spirit or a forgiving spirit? Selah!

Get ready! Today it's my prayer that:
- The Grace to forgive, love and accommodate will be released upon you now! - Every heart of stone will melt like wax and turn into a heart of flesh!
- You will be the solution to a Nationwide, Statewide, Citywide and Townwide situation in Jesus Name!
- Your influence will increase and your relevance, regardless of your condition, will spread abroad!

Great things will be said of you today! Great dance you will dance today!

Much Love and Blessings!
(Kindly share with your friends)
Thank You.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

The Lepers Theory

It's Tuesday and I wish you every thing good today! Good Morning!

The four Lepers of 2 Kings 7? I am sincerely inspired and motivated by their audacity. They had a lot going against them and they were (and are still being) quarantined. Today in almost every part of Nigeria we have leprosy colony.

Check out the laws against them:

Leviticus 13:45 "Anyone with such a defiling disease must wear torn clothes, let their hair be unkempt, cover the lower part of their face and cry out, 'Unclean! Unclean!'

Leviticus 13:46 As long as they have the disease they remain unclean. They must live alone; they must live outside the camp.

Numbers 5:2 "Command the Israelites to send away from the camp anyone who has a defiling skin disease or a discharge of any kind, or who is ceremonially unclean because of a dead body.

Numbers 12:10 When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam's skin was leprous --it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease... (Her medical condition which was a judgement as a result of insubordination or rebellion stagnated their journey for some days)

Here is my point for today.

Regardless of the law or statement written against them, they marched into where they were prohibited by law.

The law was given to Moses, but Grace and Truth came through Jesus. Though it all happened before the Grace dispensation, but the four lepers switched over to grace.

Grace is the only thing that can give you what the law says you cannot have.

Get ready!

- You will have access into restricted areas as long as your blessing is there!

- Grace will show up for you today swallowing like the rod of Moses every other legal rods.

- You will perform beyond expectation! Those who think that because of your condition, nothing good will come out of you are about to be shocked.

- After today, those that quarantined you, will regret putting a solution like you, off!

It's a beautiful day for you and I bless you in it! Shalom!

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Friday, February 28, 2014


Good Morning and welcome to the month of March.

The Prophet prophesied with faith, that there will be a turn around and a great surplus "BY THIS TIME TOMORROW."

God used four lepers who decided not to be afraid of the unknown but to March towards solution regardless of opposition. (The best thing to do in the month of MARCH is to March on).They made a move, took a bold step of faith and were never disappointed.

They never knew what happened when they got there. They didn't know God had added His divine touch to their human effort. (In this month, you will constantly experience divinity in every of your human effort)! They just stepped in to see surplus. Get Ready!

- In this month of March Surplus will embarrass you!

- God will use your worse or worst fear to provoke your greatest miracle.

- Your enemies will flee at the sound of your advancement!

- You will step in to eat the food you never prepared, live in the house you didn't build, ride the car you didn't buy!

- People would suffer your suffering and you will enjoy their enjoyment!

- The you people looked down on and refused to relate with, would become the solution to their situation!

- In this month, you are indispensable!

- This is indeed your month and I welcome you into it in the Name of the Lord!

- This month will not see your end, but you will see the end of this month, every other month of the year and the end of the year!

You will not die but you would live strong, healthy and active!

- Divine Power will constantly be at your disposal this month!

- You will provoke supernatural happenings! Great economic & financial miracles will happen through your hand!

- Whatever has been taken away from you over the years, you will recover ALL this month!

Happy New Month! March is your month of Recovery!!!!

Links of the Month:

See you on top!

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Monday, February 17, 2014


Here is wishing you a beautiful Tuesday Morning. Hope you had a good night rest?

Just before we went to bed we talked about the need to cheer up as Jesus recommended. The reason He asked us to do so is simply because He has subdued (overcome) the world.

We also talked about the unfriendly and hostile nature of the world, stressing that if we allow that nature condition our attitude then we don't have real joy.

Real Joy comes in a regardless package!
_ Regardless of those that hate you, you've got joy!
_ Regardless of those that gossip you, you've got joy! _Regardless of those that don't support you, you've got joy! _Regardless of those that neglect, dishonour and do not appreciate you, you've got your joy!

Where I'm driving at is, don't ever ALLOW anything steal your joy! Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS and again I say REJOICE!

I have to quickly make my point for today which is to avoid the danger of retaliation. Hostility, like honour is reciprocal in nature, but the 'reciprocality' results to retaliation. Retaliation is against Jesus' principles and teachings. Jesus said if you are slapped on one cheek, turn the other! An eye for an eye principle does not work for mature/godly people. Do not pay evil for evil. The antidote for evil is reciprocating with good.

The world is hostile, but don't be like the world. Transform the world by being superior to it. Never conform to it.

Let me end it this way, somebody hurt you real bad yesterday that you've concluded on what to do to the person today. But remember mature/godly people don't retaliate hurt for hurt. They are likely going to give a warm and friendly hug as against hurt. Forgive people. If they know better, they will act better. (father, forgive them for they know not what they do).
Shalom! Hope I made sense?

Kindly share @A'000Thoughts & connect @PstIyke

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Blessings to you and yours this beautiful Wednesday morning.

We left off last week on the issue of ensuring you have the LIFE which must be in place if progress is your desire. I honestly wonder how many dead and buried men/women are making progress in the grave? So if you must make progress, you must make sure that you take care of your life intensively.

Then we asked a question, HOW DO WE TAKE CARE OF OUR LIVES? The 1st answer we gave was the need to STOP STRESSING.

Your emotional condition determines a lot when it comes to the kind of life you want to live. There are hormones in our system that transmit healthier conditions or the opposite, determining on the emotional platform from which the hormones are released.

Negative emotions (which results to a lot of things including STRESS) release hormones that become harmful to our health while positive emotions do the opposite. Amazingly, adrenaline which is a major hormone being released is not bad in and of itself. It's like two edged sword, and this is why it's called a fight or flight hormone. For instance it helps you to fight(work) when work is needed but you are expected to run, fly(flight) when work is done if not the same adrenaline that is helpful becomes harmful by producing STRESS and other negative emotions.

Finally, like I said last week, if you want to deal with stress, live within your means. Don't borrow to impress anybody. Contentment, which is an extremely important virtue, has been ignored by many in their quest to prove a point but what they don't know is that subtly, THEY ARE SERIOUSLY STRESSING! People are not looking at you the way you think they are. Be yourself!

Let me end it today by adding that happiness is another way to deal with stress. You have to have JOY like a river in your soul. Joy is a positive emotion that releases hormones for healthier living.
> Go everyday smiling and not frowning.
> Go everyday excited and not exasperated.
> Go everyday loving and not hating.
> Stop the stress! Live long! We need you!

...@A'000Thoughts, @superioriyke @PstIyke

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Since God said that Feb. is your month of ACCESS it,s imperative that I show you how to gain Access. The 1st thing I need you to understand is that access are with people. Human beings are actually keys and the way you relate with them determines the door they will be willing to open unto you.

Notice that I used the word WILLING. Why? Very simply, for anyone to grant you access, s/he has to be willing to do so. What that means is that you go after people's will. One man asked Jesus in the Bible and said to Him, ...If you are WILLING make me well. Jesus replied and said, I am willing be thou made whole. Whatever that is done unwillingly to you or for you does not carry blessings.


>>> HONOUR. God said they that honour Him, He will honour! Honour is reciprocal in nature. Honour must never be on face value if not it won't carry the requisite authority. Honour must be deep rooted, proceeding from the heart with every element of sincerity and truth. If you hate a man don't pretend to honour him. The 1st honour you give to a man is to love him sincerely. Here is my point, If Feb. must produce for you, you have to consciously focus on honour. Access is possible when honour is in place. Whoever you honour will naturally grant you access.

I will continue on this next Sunday if you will be kind to remind me. This week will favour you as you go out giving honour to whom honour is due.


Friday, January 31, 2014


Blessed Friday morning to you and yours in Jesus Name!

Today is the last day for our deliberation on life and it being progressive. A lot have been said and you can follow the trend @

Yesterday I cautioned that young people in our generation, as young as 26years old, die of Stroke. Before now, Stroke was only associated to the elderly, but now the music is changed. Consider this information I got about life expectancy in Nigeria "The average life expectancy in Nigeria, which was put at 52 years as of 2011 by the World Bank’s recent report, is the 17th lowest in the world." and of recent it's 48 with male dying more than female. In most Asian and European countries life expectancy is at 75 to 80 even 90 years.

I suspect that somebody might quickly say "it's the report of the Lord that we'll believe! I also believe with you and I don't have anything against that, but does the report of the Lord also say we should be careless with our lives? Like I said yesterday, it's better we intensively care for our lives before the doctors will admit us into the intensive care unit where serious medical conditions are handled and life seems to hang on a pendulum.


1. Stop stressing: Stress is a weapon from the hand of the devil to finish us on time. Most of the things that bring stress our way are activated by us. All the dodging through another route so that your creditor won't see you, is stress. Much stress! The wisdom here is don't owe! Live within your means! BE CONTENTED!!! Contentment helps you live a better life, but has become an endangered species in this our highly competitive world.

Allow me to continue on this thought on Monday, but for today, let me end it by saying that none can add a cubit to his or her live by stressing, instead what you do is, you subtract the cubit from your life. It is this many subtraction of cubits that has reduced life expectancy in sub saharan Africa.


If it made sense to you, kindly share with your friends!
...@A'000Thoughts @superioriyke @PstIyke Bbm: 79E4BE61

Thursday, January 30, 2014


A very good Thursday morning to you. God Bless you with favour and access into important places.

Still on our life is progressive matter, we are now on the need to focus on life because there has to be LIFE (in place) before progress can be considered. We looked at, and understood the source of life.

Today, our concern is how well do we care for our lives? A man (Komla Dumor of BBC news) I admired so well in the area of communication and dressing slumped and died recently in his home in London. Just last week my wife also told me of her course mate who was a pastor, he complained of heart and suddenly slumped and died too.

These days, stroke does not wait for anyone to be old. Young men/women as young as 26 years old, die and are attacked by Stroke. I sincerely want to caution that taking care of your life is key! Don't get busy with your work that you forget you need life to do the work.

Life expectancy in Nigeria is now 45years and that is too bad. I am making a clarion call to as many that are willing to answer, please take care of your life. You really do not need the doctors to rush you into the intensive care unit (ICU) before you intensively take care of your life.

Tomorrow, I will attempt to show us how to take care of our lives but before then let me end by saying, that life is what makes living meaningful. If you don't have life you cannot live. Doctors, Lawyers, bankers, pastors, researchers, broadcasters etc whatever work that you do, which is so demanding, please try and strike a balance between taking care of your work and also your life.

We need you around and it's my prayer that you will not be a victim of 45years life expectancy.

I love you! Shalom!!

...@A'000Thoughts, @pstiyke @superioriyke

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


LIP (season 3) LIFE 3

Good Wednesday morning with heavenly blessings of peace and prosperity!

Life being in place, for life to be progressive has been our focus for this week. Life, like I said yesterday, is only for the living. The dead don't have life and to be dead means to be out of touch or sync with the source of Life.

Let me quickly say that if you are out of touch with God, take this article seriously and connect yourself back to LIFE through the finished work of calvary by allowing Christ Jesus to come into your heart and reside there. The spirit that gives life is only found in Jesus. "...for the law of the spirit of LIFE in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death." If you miss the former, the latter becomes your portion. If you miss life, you can't escape death.

Be wise and do the right thing. What actually is in vogue is to have Jesus in your life. If He is not inside of you, you don't know what's up and you are old fashioned!
That is the concept of life having an origin and the need for one to connect to the origin and source of life.

Having explained that, I want to look at life from another angle. I visited an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for the 1st time last week and it looked like I went into a mortuary. The ambiance and atmosphere was anti-human and it got me thinking until I came to the conclusion that if we pay attention to taking care of our lives, we might not need ICU. Very critical medical cases are handled in the ICU but most medical cases might not have graduated to being critical if due diligence was observed.

I will continue on this thought tomorrow, but for now, let me end it by saying that if you can care for your system very well, you will not need for it to be cared for intensively. Once again, don't forget that life is for the living so if you want to keep living, please take care of your life.

Kindly share with friends too.
...@A'000Thoughts @superioriyke @pstiyke

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


LIP (season3) LIFE 2

We are now at the season or week 3 of our discuss on Life Is Progressive, but interestingly the question came heavily to me, Can Progress happen if Life is not in place? Absolutely impossible!

The major focus now is on how not to lose life. I must quickly alert us that people are losing their lives strictly on carelessness and that ought not to be. Life is for the living and it's only when life is in place that we can talk about progress.

Yesterday we looked at the source of life and the fact that if you are not connected to the source of life, you cannot be said to be alive. Connection guarantees life and separation simply means death. You are dead if you are separated from the source of life. You are dead if you are not connected to God.

There are two major laws operational on earth and truly there is no middle ground. If you are not under the first law, you would be under the second.

What are these laws?

1. The law of the spirit of life

2. The law of sin and death

Apostle Paul said: "... for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death."

The wages of sin is death and the soul that sinneth shall die because the catalyst that activates the climate of death and dying is SIN. On the other hand, notice that the law of the spirit of Life is only in Christ Jesus, you can't get it else where. Again, it's only in Him, we live, move and have our being.

Let me end it by saying that any life that sidelines the source of life will end in death. Once again bear in mind that the ability to breath in and out does not translate to being alive. You are truly alive when He who lives forever lives inside of you.
