I was chatting with a great friend on facebook, and she asked if I like money. Sure I do, I answered. I told her that money answereth all things and that money is also a defense. I said to her that even the kingdom of God spreads abroad through prosperity. I have never seen frustration that is as much as that of a broke man. You don’t want to know what it feels like to have a sick child and you cannot take him to the hospital because you don’t have money, to get even the common hospital (patient’s) card. So many serious sicknesses that require professional touch have ended up in the hands of the amateur just because there is no fund to consult the professionals. Lack of just $100 or N10, 000 down payment for just a simple operation has marshaled so many into untimely grave. What you are not angry about, you cannot change. If you are ok with poverty, poverty will be ok with you. If you know the devastating effect of poverty, you will curse it from your heart. The cure to poverty is not in praying and fasting, it’s in understanding, subscribing and operating the covenant of prosperity. See, if you understand prosperity and its operations, you will live above poverty. The bible says that good understanding procureth favour. So the cure to poverty is prosperity.
What then is prosperity?Trying to define this same question way back in university to a friend, I said that prosperity is being able to get whatever you want, when you want it and if you like, how you want it. Funny, right? But if the earth is the Lords’ and its fullness thereof, then you have access to all. All things are yours and you are Christ’s and Christ is God’s. So work, walk and talk yourself into that dimension of affluence where you can desire anything and it is yours. Desire a vacation and you are in the best country in the world. Desire a car and the latest model of whatever brand you desire is packed in your garage. Desire to expand the kingdom and church structures are springing up every where! If God opens His hand to satisfy the desires of every living thing, then Get ready! Get ready!! Get ready!!! Because SOMETHING IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN.
Let me say it for the often time, Money is good, the love of it is the root of all evil, but the lack of it is the source of great and devastating disaster. Wait a minute; don’t you want your children in a good school? Don’t you want to live in a good house? Pastor Paul Adefarasin (my Papa) once said that one good thing you must do for your children is to give them a big house as they grow up. Because children that grew up in small houses have a way of thinking small, but those that grew up in big mansions, think big. Please, even if you don’t like money, for the sake of your children, have it! I have made up my mind, I can never be poor!
HOW DO I BECOME PROSPEROUS?• M: Make, manage and multiply your income: Don’t be satisfied with your monthly income. The God you serve daily loads you with benefits. How can you have the promise of daily blessing and you tie your whole life to monthly allowance? You can turn your monthly income to daily income by understanding how to make money. You can simply make money by converting that your monthly income which is an active income into a passive income. This is simple; send your money out while you rest. Don’t work for your money; let your money work for you. Start up a business, invest in chain marketing businesses and grab investment opportunities.
Secondly learn how to manage your money. Here you may need the services of professionals in managing your money for you. Learn how to cut off excesses. Do not include miscellaneous in your budget; I am sure you are not a waster. Money down to the last penny should have something that it’s meant for. Please, manage your money.
Lastly is multiply your money. Grow it from that miserable N20, 000 to a million dollars. In fact men have grown from N5, 000 to multimillionaires. You too can. Invest your money in a well studied business. There is he that gathereth, yet tendeth to poverty, but there is he that scattereth, yet tendeth to prosperity. Money is not meant to be gathered and kept, money is meant to be scattered.
• O: Operate the covenant: The principle of tithe, offering and giving is very much valid. No matter your stand or belief on this, it’s a solid covenant operation that can liberate you from poverty forever. Give to God, never withhold from Him. Give for the expansion of His kingdom and His works. Give to a good and worthy course. Give to the poor and needy, the orphans, widows and helpless. Give to them that don’t have. It’s more blessed to give than to receive. Your blessing is tied to your giving. What about the priest? Give to them also. Believe the Lord your God and you will be established, believe also in His prophets and you will prosper. He that gives a cup of water to a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward. You cannot bless God’s servants without them blessing you in return. Please operate the covenants, when you do, you can never miss your prosperity.
N: Network: He that works with the wise shall be wise, but the companion of fools shall be destroyed. Who you work with matters a lot. Friendship, a wise man said, is not by force, it’s by choice. Do not allow your friends choose you, you choose your friends. If a poor man is your friend, where do you hope to get the inspiration, motivation or even evidence that will make you rich? If your present network cannot raise you 10million when you are in a challenge, you may consider reshuffling that network. If you want to be a millionaire, think like one, but how can you think like one when you don’t have one as a friend? Your network matters a lot. Still on this network point, do join a strong network marketing structure with a good credibility. It helps also.
• E: Empower yourself financially: Get materials on finances and money. The strongest area to invest in is you. Attend seminars, go for trainings. Do not be outdated in an updated world. Being obsolete in today’s world is just killing yourself. When there are people that have gone ahead of you, why don’t you learn from them and move ahead also. Copy and paste, I have discovered, is the easiest way to succeed. Buy books, get tapes. Equip yourself with relevant information. Knowledge is power!
• Y: Yield yourself to God: Money is a strong spirit. One truth about money is that it’s spiritual and the name of the spirit is called mammon. It’s either you are serving God with your money or you are serving devil with it. There is no middle ground. When God blesses you, nobody can reverse it. Yield yourself, your money, your family and your life to God if you want to enjoy your money.
These are the 5 things you must do to remain wealthy and rich. Don’t for get:
1. M: Make, Manage and Multiply your income
2. O: Operate the covenant
3. N: Network
4. E: Empower yourself financially
5. Y: Yield yourself to GodShalom!
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samysaint@yahoo.com, +2348063964363