Good morning and happy weekend.
Today 8th of March is the 2014 International women's day with the Theme: EQUALITY FOR WOMEN IS PROGRESS FOR ALL, focusing on Violence against women and girls, gender equality and mutual respect.
The question is, can women possibly be equal with men? It's obviously a case of serious argument and my brothers that are chip of the old block would never agree. The point is, what should we base our argument on? On who's or what authority do we conclude this matter?
Being that I am not argumentative in nature, I would go straight to what I consider the best authority ever. Everybody's opinion is valid but which opinion do we consider authentic? What does the manual say about this issue? Just like other products, human beings as products, also have the manufacturer's manual and in that manual, gender equality question was perfectly answered.
Genesis 1:26 KJV
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
It's amazing to me that when God conceptualized the idea to make man, He never thought of HE, but THEM "...and let THEM have dominion..." Couldn't this 'THEM' mean something else? Does it mean male and female? Well, let's find out:
Genesis 1:27 KJV
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Now that's powerful right there..."Male and female created He Them. so the 'THEM' He made, actually were Male & Female. By God's standard, I am not superior to women, I am equal to them. Equality, as long as gender issues are concerned, is stronger than superiority.
Let me just end it with one question and I stand on behalf of the men to apologize to the women for the wrongs we've done against them. Here is my question, the men that feel superior to the women, could they have come out to the world without a woman? Could they have brought their sons and daughters out into the world without a woman? Dominion from our manual was never given to he (male-man) alone, it was given to them (the male&female He created at the same time). It therefore means that we are not meant to dominate the women. Real men don't suppress the women!
On this International women's day, as I congratulate the women, I call on men to love, value, respect, honour and appreciate them. I also call the men to maturity, let us be real men! The sign of manhood is not being a tyrant, it's not on the macho or ego, it is actually on his gentility. Real men are gentlemen and I have never seen a gentleman who dishonours his wife by publicly disgracing her, beating and abusing her in front of the children and having her enter public transport with the fleet of cars parked at the garage. Men, let's be real men.
The link below is my special gift to women on this day. It's an article for women and the men who love them entitled "WOMEN, WE MEN ARE SORRY." It will bless you. Here is the link:
Thank you for reading. God Bless You!